Monday, October 27, 2008

Delete:Move On

I thank the people who answered my question about whose shoulder to cry on. Although i did type family and friends i suppose there were a select few that i were really looking to for advice. And give advice they did...thanx a lot for ur, away 2 kelantan...which is going broke and blocking porn and the new blockbuster is Budak Kelantan...haha owh gods...wish me luck guyz, im gonna needed it there>.< this post is short coz im in a hurry(yes ben its an update). Thanx again 2 those who helpd...ciaoz~(no ben the word dznt belong to u)


Kar-Men said...

You don't. You just gotta keep moving ahead and be strong for others and most importantly yourself.

benjamin said...

adoi, fine, juz when i found a word people rarely use, its now a getting more common....though i suggest u do d same, find your own distinctive word....oh yea, if ur still around, good luck, go kick ass, and have fun at pantai cinta come back alive too!

benjamin said...

in case u happen to even look at ur own waiting for that essays of urs....i need something to criticize during the holidays. thats a good reason to blog, no?

Kar-Men said...

Lol. Seriously, Adrian, your blog is as dried up as a desert could ever be. You are not on hiatus or something of that sort are you? If yes, that would explain a lot. If no, that would leave a whole bunch of questions unanswered.

And are you free enough, to go confirm with who else that is free during their holiday so we can plan a get together?