Monday, June 2, 2008

Shreds of Light Through The Darkness

OK, so darkness fell and was brought upon my life,and it was heading towards doom, mortal peril, bla bla bla and god knows what other cursed destiny was about to befall me. Then, out of the blue, in Penang i got a phone call from my old enemy(friend actually) and rival whom we have competed against each other since Gramma in Pahang(yes you) was born>.<...anyway i got invited to her birthday party...LOL! Thank God huh, finally light appears and the darkness begins to fade slightly...anyway i had so much fun at the party so i guess im not a hopeless cause huh? Guess frenz do to this memorable event, to Clarissa for inviting me to her party and hosting it to the best there was, to my granny who always told me to take the initiative to make frenz n never give up hope, and to my parents who actually took me there...OK, suppose thats it not doing anymore dumb things so rest assured for now...
-Twilight Tears-


Resha Lim said...

why am i being constantly referred to as grandma again...? I feel old. Glad to hear abt d good news tho. Owh yea, btw, Im not emo. XP

Clarissa Say said...

wow,a dedication to ur enemy?? thx. haha,so i'm a shred of light? ok,i can live with that...